Joining by using Absolute Phrase

Joining by using Absolute Phrase :

By Pabitra Kumar Ganguli

------------পবিত্র কুমার  গাঙ্গুলী      

Q.The sun rose. we started our journey. 

Ans:The sun having risen, we started our journey. 

Q.The sun rose. The fog dispersed. 

Ans:The sun having risen, the fog dispersed. 

Q. The work has been finished. The workers left the place. 

Ans:The work having been finished, the workers left the place. 

Q.The police arrived. The mob dispersed. 
Ans:The police having arrived, the mob dispersed. 

Q.She waved to the crowd. Her face was radiant with triumph. 
Ans:She waved to the crowd, her face radiant with triumph.
