Q.Do as directed...   

1) “She was completely blind. Didn’t you notice?” he said. (Change the mode of narration )

2) Leading him down the hall, she opened the front door. (Change into compound sentence)

 3) And then it is done. (Change into negative sentence) 

4) He rests at ease beneath some pleasant weed. (Noun form of ‘rests’)

5) Many of them offered bowls of water to my father. (change the voice)

 6) The Tsar carried the wounded man into the hut. He laid him on the bed. (Change into Simple sentence)

 7) Charandas: Don’t hold me back, Maharaj. (narration) 8) The woman gave the girl detailed instructions. (Change the voice) 

9) I also remember people visiting our home to offer thanks after being cured. (Change into compound sentence)

 10) All the answers were different. The Tsar agreed with none. (Change into Complex sentence ) 

11) Your eternal summer will never fade. (Change into affirmative sentence)

 12) It has grown slowly consuming the earth.(use noun form of “Grow”)

13) Queen: Charandas, take pity on me.( Change the mode of narration)

14) It takes much time to kill a tree. Not a simple jab of knife will do it.( Change into complex sentence)

15) The woman gave the detailed instruction as to where to keep her things.(use verb form of ‘Instruction’)

 16) The hermit rose, stretched out his hand for the spade. (Change into simple sentence ) 

17) She did not watch her purse which she left behind her on the day-bed.(split into two simple sentence) 

18) “Eat some more, son” she said. 

19) The frost has wrought a silence. (voice)

 20) She laughed pleasantly. (Rewrite the sentence using the adjective form of ‘Pleasantly’)

21) We lived in our ancestral house which was built in the middle of the 19th century. (Change into compound sentence) 

22) All the answers were different. The Tsar agreed with none of them. 

(Join as simple sentence) 

23) Not a simple jab of the knife will do it. (Change into affirmative sentence)

 24) She said, looking out into the street,“Good night! Behave yourself,boy!”

25) The humming insects do not disturb his sleep. (change the voice) 

26) I have endeavored to understand the fundamental truths which were revealed to me by my father. (change into simple sentence) 

 27) I wanted to raise my hand and touch her hair, but she moved away. (Turn into complex sentence) 

28) They are in trouble. (Change into negative) 29) She reached down. She picked the boy up by his shirt front.(turn into Complex sentence) 

30) Munim: Please have mercy on me. I made a mistake. (narration) 

31) This is not a correct approach at all and should never be followed. (Turn into simple sentence) 

32) She was silent. (noun form of “silent”)

 33) I didn’t know anyone else was there. (turn into affirmative)

 34) The Tsar and the hermit unfastened the man’s clothing. There was a large wound in the stomach. (Turn into single sentence)

35) The bleeding bark will heal. (Turn into  interrogative sentence) 

36) “How answered? What do you mean? Asked the Tsar. (narration)  

37) They seemed very anxious about her comfort. (noun form of ‘anxious’)

 38) There was a very old mosque in our locality where my father would take me for evening prayers. (split into two simple sentence) 

39) Was I bothering you? (Change the voice) 

40) I will serve you as your most faithful slave.(change in positive degree

41) I would teach you right from wrong. (turn into negative sentence)

 42) Guru said, “Live like a man, my son!” (Change the mode of narration) 

43) She would forget our brief encounter. (voice) 

44) I answered. I was quite confident. (join using adverb form of “confident”) 

45) The Tsar agreed with none of them.(affirmative) 

46) The bleeding bark will heal and from close to the ground will raise curled green twigs. (split) 47) Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May. 

(turn into complex ) 48) The poet says, “The humming insects don’t disturb his rest.” (Narration)

 49) Was I bothering you? (make assertive) 

50) There’s nothing greater than the truth. (turn into superlative degree) 

51) They called their good-byes and the train pulled out of the station. (transform into simple sentence) 

52) She was completely blind. (use noun form of ‘blind’)

53) I wished to kill you. You have saved my life.

 (join into compound sentence)

54) You have an interesting face. (make it negative) 

55) Learned men came to the Tsar. They all answered his questions differently. (join into simple sentence)

56) I was totally convinced that they reached God. (change the voice)

 57) I’ll never tell a lie. (use verb form of ‘tell’)

 58) The guard blew his whistle and we moved off. (turn into complex sentence) 

59) Guru: God bless the queen! God bless the queen. (narration) 

60) Few girls can resist flattery. (voice) 

61) My father had not much formal education. He had not much wealth. (join)

62) She had a large purse that had everything in it. (change in exclamatory sentence 

63) She bent down enough to permit him to stoop. (make it complex)\

64) The bleeding bark will heal. (split) 

65. Thou art more lovely and more temperate than summer. (change into positive degree)66) The hermit lived in a wood which he never quitted. (voice) 

67) I was totally blind. My eyes were sensitive to light and darkness. (join into a single sentence)

 68) There was nothing mysterious about the prayers. (use the noun form of ‘mysterious’)


