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This is to certify that this project report titled THEATRICAL SCRIPT OF LEO TOLSTOY 'S  'THREE QUESTIONS'by ( নিজের নাম লিখবে ) Class XII Section A Roll No. __(এখানে নিজের রোল লিখবে__) Registration No. (এখানে নিজের রেজিষ্ট্রেশন নাম্বার  লিখবে)Year ..( নিজের রেজিষ্ট্রেশনের সাল  লিখবে).... submitted in partial fulfilment to CLASS XII ENGLISH COURSE during the academic year 2020-2021 , is a bona fide record of work carried out under my guidance and supervision.

Signature of the Project Guide
শিক্ষকের sign   
Name:(শিক্ষকের নাম)
Designation :Assistant Teacher 
Department :English 
School:Bhara D.D.K High School. 



This project has given me the golden opportunity for learning and self-development through collaborative activity. I consider myself lucky to have worked under (শিক্ষকের নাম) whose encouraging words and monitoring, individual care and motivating approach have widened the horizon of my knowledge and stimulated me to work with others in joy. I am grateful to him. (অন্য শিক্ষকের নাম) has rendered valuable suggestions for improvement of the project work. So I choose this moment to acknowledge his contribution with gratitude. I would also like to thank (অন্য শিক্ষকের নাম (ম্যাডাম) ) for her sincere help in making the project fruitful.  Last but not the least, I am grateful to all my friends, family members and many well-wishers who helped me in numerous ways in concluding the project successfully.

Signature of the Student
নিজে সই করবে   
