☞☞Online Teaching➤


Voice Change 

1.Does the man know you? 

2.Do you like it? 

3.When did Sita help Ram?

4.Who saw the boy in the forest?

5.I got a job.

6.Sita knew the way. 

7.Confess the crime. 

8.Rabon was killed. 

9.Rocky had been called.

10.Arya drew the picture of Rabon.

11.We did not see the tiger.

12.Shut the door. 

13.Help the helpless. 

14.Get out. 

15. I  am to make a telephone call.

16.We must endure what we can not cure.

17.Your blame counts for nothing.

18.The composition reads well.

19. The trumpets are sounding.

20.We are chopped.  

Narration Change 

1.Ram said, "The poetry of earth is never dead".

2. Priya said to Ram," What have you eaten? 

3.Ram said to Rabon, "Don’t insult Sita".

4.Sadhu said to Kartick, " I like your voice ".

5.Antara said to me, "Don't go outside".

6.Ram said to Antara," Let us play the game ".

7.Ram said to the boy, " May God bless you ".

8."What a writer!",said Rabon. 

9."What a picture! ", said Rita.

10."I can do it ",said Sita.

Change the Degree 

1.Sita is the tallest girl in the class.

2.Rahim is one of the most famous cricketers. 

3.Rabon is more famous than Sita. 

4.Very few students in the class are as intelligent as Ram. 

5.No other girl in the class is as tall as Rakhi.


1.Ram was a great hero. Riya knew it.

2.Rabindranath got a way. It was to write something . 

3.I was ill. I could not go to school.

4.Sovan got a prize. He was a great hero. 

5. Suman was very weak.He couldn’t go there.

6.I have bought a car. I want to drive it.

7.Sayen saw the man. He became afraid 

8.Amit got the key. He went upstairs. 

9.Basuli knew Ram. Bristi knew Ram.

10.Ranit saw Virat.Sayen saw Virat.


[Present Tense] 

১)সে আমাকে জানে।

২)রিয়া সেখানে আসে পড়তে।

৩)সে কাজটি করছে। 

৪)সে আমাকে ডাকছে খেলতে।

৫)রাবন তাকে সাহায্য করেছে।

৬)সীতা তাকে বইটি দিয়েছে।

৭)সে কবিতাটি লিখছে দু ঘন্টা ধরে।

 ৮)সে সকাল থেকে আমাকে সাহায্য করছে। 

৯)সে তার নামটি লিখে।

১০)রাম তাকে সাহায্য করতে চাই।



Use the following chart and describe the process how lemon pickle is prepared.

Ripe lemons bought➤good ones sorted➤washed ➤salt and oil added ➤chilli    and ginger added ➤kept in sun.
