Online Tuition Dated:11.09.2020


 Q.A .Voice Change 

1.Lock the door 

2.Sita knows the solution to this problem. 

3.Ram had written a letter.

4.Gandhiji had been shot. 

5.They did not make a sound. 

6.He saw the rainbow. 

7.Nothing can be gained without  labour. 

8.What can not be cured must be endured. 

9.Who did the way? 

10. Honey tastes sour.

11.Honey tastes sweet. 

12.Flour sells cheap. 

13.Read the lesson carefully. 

14.Clean the blackboard.

15.I have seen the man. 

16.Does he always scold the students? 

17.Call the police.

18.Do it.

19.I like your voice.

20.Sita did it .

 Q.B.  Narration Change. 

1.Ram said to Dipa, "Will you go to school today? "

2.Rita said to Ayesha,"Please give me a glass of water ".

3.The old man said to the little girl," May you be happy ".

4.Ram wailed," I have a headache".

5.Ram said to his son, "Have you no school today? ".

6.Ram said, " What a shocking sight!"

7.Antara said, "I got a new book".

8.Sita said to Ram, " Don’t leave me alone".

9.They said, "We  have a car ".

10.Ram said to Sita, " Let us play the game ".

 Q.C.  Degree Change 

1.Ram is the best singer in the class.

2.Rahim is one of the greatest fighters.

3.Sita is taller than Rabon .

4.I know that Rabon is greater than most other fighters .

5.Very few cricketers in the world are as popular as  Dhoni .

6.No other writer in the world was as famous as Shakespeare.

7.Rabon was greater than any other fighter.

8.Rabon was more famous than Sita .

9. I am taller than you.

10.Sita was more popular than Guru.

 Q.C.  Joining

1.   1. I have seen the man .The man is young.

2.  2. Sita saw the man.She greeted him.

3.  3. I drew a picture .It was the picture of Rabindranath.

4.  4. I have some money .I can buy books .

5.   5.Rabindranath wrote 10000 poems.We know it.

6.   6.Charles Babage  discovered computer .It is known to all .

 Q.D.  Change into complex sentence .

1.   1.Seeing the Tsar,he greeted him.

2.   2.He got the key and went upstairs.

3.   3.I am sure of his success.

4.  4. I have tried to understand the fundamental truths revealed to me by my father.

5.  5. Rabindranath ,a famous poet ,wrote Gitanjali.

Q.E.Translate these sentences into english.

১.সিতা বলেছিল যে সে এখানে আসবে।

২.আমি জানি তোমার ঠিকানা ।

৩.সে তোমার জন্য অপেক্ষা করবে ।

৪.তারা আমাকে সাহায্য করবে কাজটি করতে ।

৫.আমি তাকে ডাকি সেখানে যেতে ।

৬.সে কাজটি করছে আমার জন্য ।

৭.সে সকাল থেকে আমার জন্য অপেক্ষা করছে ।

৮.সিতা রামের  ছবিটি এঁকেছিল রবিবারে।

৯.ভগবান অ্যাডাম এবং ইভ কে শাস্তি দিয়েছিলেন পৃথিবীতে পাঠিয়ে ।

১০.প্রধান শিক্ষক একটি দীর্ঘ বক্তব্য রেখেছিলেন।

Q.F. Write a letter to your father informing him about your preparation of annual examination.

